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[PIF] Gem Micromatic Travel Across The U.S.

Hi there fellow B&B members. I have been a part of this forum for a little while now and have really enjoyed my time here. I have taken part in a few PIF's and more than a few BST transactions. Those are a part of this community that I really enjoy.

That being said, over the past few weeks I have seen more and more members becoming interested in Single Edge shaving. To help encourage this trend, I would like to send an Open Comb Gem Micromatic across the US. I will start off by loading the razor and a 10 pack of Gem blades into a box and sending it to the first responder to this offer. That person will use it for a few shaves and then send it off to the next person and so on. My goal would be to get it into every state across the country, but I am a realist enough to figure that maybe 5 or 10 guys will sign on to try this out. All I ask is that at the end of its travels, the razor makes it back to me. I would appreciate a pic of the razor in each individual shave den, but I know sometimes its a real PITA to take pics and post them, so I leave it as merely a suggestion.

This offer is open to all members in the US that have at least 10 posts. I will pay to ship it to the first responder, but after that everyone is responsible for shipping it to the next guy. I will most likely use a USPS small flat rate box, it has enough room for the razor, blades, and padding, but only costs around 5 bucks to ship. Its almost a bargain.

Anyway, if you are interested, let me know here in this thread!!
I've used an Injector, but never a Gem Micromatic. If I qualify, I would like to try it out. I will certainly post pictures and do a full review. Thanks!
Ok. We have our first respondent!

So far, the list is as follows:

1. Rajun50

Well, its a short list, but you have to start somewhere.
Good idea, Jooky. I have said it many times, the OCMM is the most underrated razor available.

Watch Mr Guy's micromatic YouTube video and you'll be good to go.

The guys may have a hard time letting go of it.
I would love to try out the Micromatic. I missed on Craigslist awhile back, but I have some SE blades I got as freebies in a order of soap and DE blades. My father said he had freinds who said the SE was a better shave.
Ok, we have another person on the list! That makes 2 so far.

1. Rajun50
2. Saliavin

At this rate, we will have 3 people by sometime later tonight!!


I wanna be sedated!
Ok, we have another person on the list! That makes 2 so far.

1. Rajun50
2. Saliavin

At this rate, we will have 3 people by sometime later tonight!!


I have several but I loved that response. It should be a fun PIF jump in folks.
:001_smilecount me in,ive been wanting to try se out,ill partake and post pic's with a review,thanks for the chance to try se:001_smile
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All right!! 2 more names decided to join us last night. So now, our list actually starts to look like a real list. If we can get it to 5, then we would be half way to ten.

1. Rajun50
2. Saliavin
3. Eastomjac
4. Fizgiggsr

The razor goes out to Rajun50 this morning. With luck he should have it by Tuesday or so. Then it is all up to him. No pressure.
Ok, we have made it to #5! I knew we could make it!

For the record, the razor DID go out Saturday morning. I am sure Rajun50 will give us an update when he gets it.

1. Rajun50
2. Saliavin
3. Eastomjac
4. Fizgiggsr
5. Matthew86

One thing I would like to point out. I see that most of the people requesting this are fairly new. Thats perfectly fine, but I want to let everyone know that SE's like this one are a different breed than the DE's they may be using now. This razor can be very unforgiving. While I haven't checked it out in depth with my lawyer yet, I am pretty sure that I am not responsible if you slice a lip off with this bad boy. If you do slice a lip off though, I would appreciate it if you could post a picture of it here in this thread. I will then respond by saying "I told you so!!"
One thing I would like to point out. I see that most of the people requesting this are fairly new. Thats perfectly fine, but I want to let everyone know that SE's like this one are a different breed than the DE's they may be using now. This razor can be very unforgiving. While I haven't checked it out in depth with my lawyer yet, I am pretty sure that I am not responsible if you slice a lip off with this bad boy. If you do slice a lip off though, I would appreciate it if you could post a picture of it here in this thread. I will then respond by saying "I told you so!!"

I'm not affraid of a little blood, and I promise to post pics of any carnage.:tongue_sm
One thing I would like to point out. I see that most of the people requesting this are fairly new. Thats perfectly fine, but I want to let everyone know that SE's like this one are a different breed than the DE's they may be using now. This razor can be very unforgiving. While I haven't checked it out in depth with my lawyer yet, I am pretty sure that I am not responsible if you slice a lip off with this bad boy. If you do slice a lip off though, I would appreciate it if you could post a picture of it here in this thread. I will then respond by saying "I told you so!!"

Understood! Good thing I am number 4, so I can get some SE practice in with the razors I have before trying this one. (Clog Pruf, 1912, and 1924)

Well I will try and treat it with respect. I have been wanting and recently found something that was more aggressive than my lord tech de. I was PIFed a ej89 and a gillette slim, both are awesome. But no where near as aggressive as my magic shavette. That thing has major bite but I have managed to figure it out and not take more than the first few layers of skin. So if this is in fact aggressive then heck yeah I can't wait.

PS. I just can't get over how much the blades of these things looks like a box cutter. I know its not but still ... :001_rolle
Ok, we have made it to #5! I knew we could make it!

For the record, the razor DID go out Saturday morning. I am sure Rajun50 will give us an update when he gets it.

1. Rajun50
2. Saliavin
3. Eastomjac
4. Fizgiggsr
5. Matthew86

One thing I would like to point out. I see that most of the people requesting this are fairly new. Thats perfectly fine, but I want to let everyone know that SE's like this one are a different breed than the DE's they may be using now. This razor can be very unforgiving. While I haven't checked it out in depth with my lawyer yet, I am pretty sure that I am not responsible if you slice a lip off with this bad boy. If you do slice a lip off though, I would appreciate it if you could post a picture of it here in this thread. I will then respond by saying "I told you so!!"

aint skeered
Hey Rajun,

Have you gotten it yet? If so have you used it yet? If so, do you still have all of your face left? Inquiring minds and all that.:laugh:
Hey Rajun,

Have you gotten it yet? If so have you used it yet? If so, do you still have all of your face left? Inquiring minds and all that.:laugh:

My brother told me I had a package in the mail today, but I haven't been home to see what it is just yet. I will be sure to let you know as soon as it comes in... and whether or not my face is still attached! :laugh:
The GEM and blades came in! The razor looks great, and I can't wait to give it a try. I'm unable to post pictures right now, but I plan on taking a lot of them and I may even attempt a video. I'll keep everyone updated as I go along, followed by a comprehensive review of the experience. Stay tuned!
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