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new idea for cleaning razors?

hey all I was a bit bored and started to think of a way to clean my razors a bit after thinking for a bit i remembered a commercial i saw once for a steam cleaner and thought why not aply that to the cleaning of razors so here are my results. I started out with 2 razors that i was not to fond of a Tech and an ever ready

before shots


this is what i basically did i added some water in a pot then added a strainer over it and let the steam from the boiling water do the work for me . here is what the set up looked like



and here is the end result after drying off the razors with a towel



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Good idea. Although I do wonder if it would function any differently, or especially any better than, boiling. Maybe more sensitive the the delicacy of the lacquer on the gold.

well i am trying out the idea right now with my newly acquired aristocrat I have taken before shots and once finished i will show before and after shots .
ok guys pics of the aristocrats cleaning coming soon . my cameras batteries died right after i took the shots so once the charge is complete i will be adding the pics . I must say it looks great cant wait to show you guys how nice it looks
What a very good idea. Very good.

Steam can be hotter than boiling water. It will likely not have as much by way of dissolved minerals in it in other words, it may be "cleaner" than regular tap water. Now when boiling razors simply in a pot with water, the bottom of the pot will be hotter than the boiling water. That heat may well damage the lacquer on a gold razor. Given that the razor is being held above the bottom of the pot with this method, it is likely much safer for the razor.

Very good.
Steam works pretty well for cleaning up razors. I have used a jewelry steamer which allows you to concentrate the steam.
Steam works pretty well for cleaning up razors. I have used a jewelry steamer which allows you to concentrate the steam.

After the results i have had so far I am thinking of taking a couple of the razors i have gotten from ebay that are not in to great of shape to the jeweler for a cleaning to see how it will be might even invest in a steam cleaner
Rob if you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for that ?? after my last post I started checking around on ebay and have found many under $50 actually put a bid on one that I googled and had some pretty good reviews I guess i will not be going to my jeweler .

Edit : I hope those are not your hands in the picture Rob. :p
I have not tried this, but I suspect that one of those small espresso makers (the steam nozzle section) would work as well. YMMV of course.
Rob if you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for that ?? after my last post I started checking around on ebay and have found many under $50 actually put a bid on one that I googled and had some pretty good reviews I guess i will not be going to my jeweler .

Edit : I hope those are not your hands in the picture Rob. :p
If you do need to spend money on a cleaner get an ultrasonic cleaner. Its all purpose.
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