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Well I don't want to say anything too ribald (this is a gentlemen's forum, after all), so I think I'll refrain from commenting on that.
I would had to have rebuilt my reputation had I posted the comment that came to mind, though.
Oh, believe me...I've done some damage to my reputation in the past. I'm not really at liberty to discuss it right now...
Heh, just pop the collar on your mackintosh and snug your trilby down low over your brow and just slip on past the implications...
Yes I suppose I could just fade into the scenery. It's a good thing I didn't get that tribal tattoo on my neck - I would have stuck out for sure.

(Boy that's weak. Do you have any idea how much of a pain it is to come up with a follow-up for "trilby" - and try to jam it into context?:blushing:)
I was surprised to see my Saints trade up to take Mark Ingram, although I think they had a pretty good draft overall.
I think the Saints were already a contender! Of course, every team in the NFC South except the Panthers can legitimately be called a contender.
The only teams I follow are in the NBA, specifically the Lakers. We're still a good ways off from the draft, and the Lakers seldom get to choose anyone higher than the middle of the second round :biggrin1:
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