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need kamisori help again!


a friend of mine got a kamisori. he wanna know what maker done this



hopefully you could help me again. thx
Invalid Attachment it says?

EDIT: There we go. I'll mail it to my wife and get her to translate if someone else doesn't do it first.
My wife (native japanese) couldn't read it, which probably means it is just older characters forming someone's name.

She mailed her grandma the photo, she might know more, unless she couldn't read it simply because the imprint is to shallow.

Got it!!

Her grandma could read it.

It says, "Masuyo Hukumatu", which is someone's name. Hope this helps.

EDIT: I forgot the Kanji:

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It's actually "Masuyo Fukumatsu"

Japanese chronically write the outdated "hu" for "fu" (their sound ふ lies somewhere between the two consonants) as well as "tu" for "tsu" (つ).

By the way 福 means "fuku", and is the same character in "Fukushima," where the nuclear reactor is.
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