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Why does my pipe sound like a "water pipe"?

I recently got a nice meerschaum purchased in Iraq from my brother ( Bacchus Head). I'm not sure if it's real meerschaum or not but it's a really nice pipe. Anyway, the first few times I smoked it there were no problems but now, for some reason, when I draw on it there's a bubbling sound like I'm smoking from a hookah or a bong. I've never dealt with this before but I've never smoked a meerschaum either. Pipes are pretty simple mechanically though so I can't believe the fact that it's meerschaum could have any bearing on this. Thanks.
The gurgling is probably either condensation or backwashed slobber. I would make sure that you are cleaning out the pipe after using with a good absorbent pipe cleaner to make sure it is completely dry when you start off.

I'm still pretty new to this so I would wait around and you will probably get better advice than mine.

Happy Smoking
I'm not a big Pipe smoker but ive smoked one in the past. Does your pipe have a filter, if so it may need to be changed.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Use the pipe cleaner, and try to get it all the way down into the bowl.

Unfortunately, you may also have a poorly designed pipe. There are only a few brands/carvers of meerschaums that care about proper design of a pipe, the rest are focused on carving something that is pleasing to the eye so it'll sell.
Gurgle is usually caused by a disruption in air flow in the draft which leads to condensation. Although pipes seem simple, it takes a real master to engineer one properly. I'm smoked a lot of meerschaums and I've only experience two brands that actually smoke decently. Most meer carvers are good artists but no very little about how a pipe should smoke.
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If it smoked well the first couple of times its not likely a serious engineering problem, but it probably is less than perfect. Make sure to clean it well between smokes, and let it dry. Do use a pipe cleaner during the smoke to handle excess moisture as it occurs.
You probably smoke too 'hot'. Usually a result of 'clumps' of tobacco that aren't loose enough. Smoking too greedy might be another reason.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
It's true that Meerschaums don't absorb moisture like a briar, but they are still susceptible to the gurgle from condensation building up in the stem and the shank.
Folks keep saying to let the pipe dry. I thought meers didn't need to dry?

All pipes need to dry. Meers can often hold more moisture and dry faster than briar, both are porous but briar bieng made of wood will absorb moisture into its fibers and hold it longer. Also meerschaum is a naturally occurring mineral deposit, its density is variable so some will hold less moisture than others. And as others have mentioned smoking technique and tobacco can effect the amount of moisture expressed in a given smoke. In short if a pipe is gurgling that has not during previous smokes, it is either saturated or being smoked in a way as to produce excess moisture. Either way that moisture will need to be addressed to finish the smoke and improve the quality of the next.
+1 on the smoking too hot. This would happen to me a lot when I first started, I slowed down and the gurgling went away and in came the delightful true taste of my tobacco.
Folks keep saying to let the pipe dry. I thought meers didn't need to dry?

Are you smoking Captain Black in it? Meerschaums can hold a lot of water, but Captain Black contains a lot of propylene glycol, which is (a) a humectant, which means it absorbs water from the air so that Capt Black stays moist even in the desert, and (b) propylene glycol doesn't evaporate very well, which means it will hang around in your pipe forever... Absorbing any moisture that gets near it, and hanging on to it for dear life...

Failing that, however, it takes a lot of smoking in a short amount of time to make a meershaum wet enough to cause gurgling. Top quality meerschaum can hold its own weight in water, though not all meerschaum is so porous even mediocre meerschaum is basically an artfully carved sponge. If it's gurgling after only a few bowls of a quality tobacco then I doubt it's due to waterlogging.

How is your stem attached to the pipe? There are two common ways, and both have the potential to cause gurgling if things aren't fitted properly.

Type a) There is a threaded joint that both the stem and meerschaum are screwed on to. Sometimes the stem itself is threaded. You don't see this one much anymore - the meerschaum wears and the joint gets loose and the stem won't line up properly. But you see this on older meerschaums and occasionally even on new ones.

Type b) There is a threaded nylon insert that screws semi-permanently into the stem, leaving a smooth cylindrical tenon sticking out. There is another threaded nylon piece containing a matching mortise that screws semi-permanently into the meerschaum. Always assemble and disassemble this type by turning the stem clockwise, otherwise you'll unscrew the mortise from the meerschaum.

In both systems there are places within the attachment system where liquid can collect and gurgle. If the threaded inserts are too short then there will be chambers inside the stem and shank where liquid can collect, and in the second system if the mortise is longer than the tenon then this leaves a small chamber inside the mortise at the end of the tenon where liquid can collect. An additional possibility is that in system (b) you must always assemble and disassemble the pipe by twisting the stem clockwise - if you turn it counterclockwise you will unscrew the mortise insert out of the pipe. Maybe not all the way out at first, but it will unscrew a bit, leaving a chamber inside the pipe at the front of the insert which will cause moisture to condense as well as give it a place to hang around and gurgle.

The solution for all of these issues is to thoroughly clean out the inside of the airway with fluffy pipe cleaners, and always disassemble and reassemble the pipe the correct way.
We have a winner! Maybe.

I smoke mostly Pease products but for a pleasing room note I mix it with about one third Capt. Black White.

As for the connection it's the B) type you mentioned though I've yet to take the pipe apart so I don't think it's anything I've done.

Also, maybe as other posters have theorized the pipe may not be designed exactly right. My brother bought it off of a street vendor and while many of these guys are true artisans I'm not sure if they are all 100% concerned with the design beyond its aesthetic value.

Thanks to all. I'll soldier on though now better informed.
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