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Plenty of razor blades in 1964

If I could go back in time and visit that store the manager probably would have called security because some weirdo was filling a shopping bag with every pack on the rack.
I see they are having a sale on juice!
(great pic)

Those red and white elephants look familiar but I can't remember what they are. I also remember when they used to put your 1/2 gallon of ice cream in the insulated paper bag at the checkout counter--didn't see that in the picture, though. Notice how grocery stores were smaller then and the people were thinner. Must be some kind of correlation there.
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Well stocked at every checkout. So nice to see vintage photos from when my parents were growing up. Seemed like such a simpler time to out technology laden days today.
I was trying to figure out how you could see any razor blades in aisles 6 and 7, then I realized that you meant lanes 6 and 7.
Look how long that receipt tape is...and the total is 89 cents!

Back then I was using a two-rotor Norelco.

Didn't try DE until about 1970, briefly, then a Wilkinson Bonded, Trac II, Atra, until the past decade when cartridge prices started going through the roof.
In those days, there were documentaries on German TV about life in the US, and American supermarkets were the most amazing thing for German viewers. The average German shop back then stocked about the content of one of those aisles...
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