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Guess that movie quote


"Are we talking about the same man who once declared with total conviction that the late Colonel Howard had been bludgeoned to death with a blunt 'excrement'"?
Afraid I don't remember the title, but I'm pretty sure that's the one with Michael Caine as Sherlock Holmes, but he's a drunken idiot, and Dr. Watson is the real genius. Ben Kingsley was Watson, and I'm pretty sure he says the line. Mid 80's, when Michael Caine was in just about every other movie that came out.
Thanks. I'm pretty sure this is connected, if my memory serves me, and it should be a cupcake:

"I did not achieve this position in life by letting some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind."

Please play on...
A connected cupcake. I'll be gone most of the day. Play on when you get it:

A: Might I suggest you refrain from playing any tunes that remind them--the inmates that is--that they are in prison?
B: You think they forgot?
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