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Guess that movie quote

Been a fan of Segel for a while and who doesn't love Paul Rudd. Next quote follows the Segel connection:

Ah! Curse you, tiny toilet!
I have watched at least part of that movie I don't know how many times (2 1/2 yr old likes it), but I don't think that I ever knew that was the rest of the line after "fluffy". Your go!
Watched it several times with my girlfriend. That happens to be our favourite part of the movie.
Connected. (I know its a cupcake, and it was used not very long ago, but its my favorite line and scene). Play on when you get it.

"Are you classified as human?"
"Negative, I am a meat popsicle."
Connected, play on when you get it

"Well, you have actually excellent bone structure there. I'm kinda having a hard time not looking at you now. Is that weird?"
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