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What goes with a brown blazer?

Ok, I'm not totally fashion inept... ok that is kind of a lie. I'm in the military and wear a uniform way more often than not. Now, I have a brown corduroy blazer that I like, and don't wear enough. I'm not a fancy guy, neither is my wife a super fancy lady. But our anniversary is coming up soon, and I'm either planning dinner in, or a simple (yet romantic) picnic.

Now to my question. I like the blazer with jeans. What shirt to wear? Saw some pretty nice styles with dudes wearing a button down shirt with the tail out.

As for shoes, the only dress shoes I own are brown Sketchers and a pair of black, not sure at the moment. And of course, my Converse All-Stars :)

Thanks for the help!
Can you post a picture of the blazer? How dark a brown is it? In any event, if you like wearing it with jeans, how abut the blazer, jeans, some nice boots/chukkas, and a chambray shirt?
I'm not a big fan of the untucked shirt look paired with a jacket. I think it makes you look like a ragbag. But there's no reason not to like a cord jacket.

How about a turtleneck? Go with navy blue to get the authentic look, but black would be OK too. Casual with your shoes--above all, no Corframs. Having a short military haircut will pull it all together.



My elbows leak
Staff member
What goes with a brown blazer?

Chrome Wheels


I know there are some that believe that black doesn't do well with brown, but the naysayers are wrong, they are very complimentary colors.
A pastel is also not a bad choice, as long as it is not an outlandish color.

Pants - Keep it simple with casual fabrics.
Jeans work, as do some shades of khaki.

Casual shoes to match and you are set.

This is a look that bests works after Labor Day, it's a bit warm looking for the peak of summer.
Depending on the shade of brown, chinos and a button down shirt (please keep the shirt tucked). I've even seen a dark burgundy shirt work well with brown cords jackets. Shoes could be brown lace up or brown or cordovan loafers for a bit more casual look.

Personally, I wear my tux for this sort of dinner. It is after all, a very special celebration!
if the blazer is a darker brown, then go with some rich dark blue jeans and a warm fall shirt, or chino's and a blue shirt.
So, I'm mostly getting blue shirt and brown shoes. Thanks!

I'll play with the shirt tail, we're casual people, not dressy. I've only worn a tux once in my life, and it wasn't at my wedding.

and luvmysuper, well played.

edit: And in regard to the time of year/look issue. I've been in the desert for a few months, its gonna be cold in England when I get back there. Just a few more days, just a few more.
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I'll play with the shirt tail, we're casual people, not dressy.
The fact that you care enough about that special occasion to ask opinions of your fellow forum members tells me your shirttail dilemma should be non-existent. You'll be casual in your blazer and jeans or khakis and some not scruffy leather shoes or casual boots. That same attire with a long shirttail hanging out is no longer casual--it's just sloppy.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Tuck in that darn shirt!!

I'm in the military and wear a uniform way more often than not.
Q: What goes with olive green pants?

A: An olive green shirt. :001_rolle
And in regard to the time of year/look issue. I've been in the desert for a few months, its gonna be cold in England when I get back there. Just a few more days, just a few more.
so ...
How about a turtleneck? Go with navy blue to get the authentic look, but black would be OK too.

(good call, Nid!)
I would not wear navy with dark brown. Jeans are different.

I do not think I am up to date enough to opine on the shirt tale being in or out!
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