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Number of shaves vs. number of passes per blade ...

I seems every week there is at least one thread asking "how many shaves do you get per blade?"

I have noticed that the answers rarely, if ever, also include the number of passes the poster executes per shave.

Someone who regularly executes a four-pass shave -- WTG, XTG x 2 (one pass each way), ATG -- is putting their blade to twice the work as someone who regularly only executes a two-pass shave.

Here is how the question ought to be asked ...

How many passes do you get per blade, and what type of blade?

So since the question has been asked, we might as well get some answers going ...


Even the number of passes can be misleading. I tend to drag a razor over the same spot up to two or three times when using an open comb. I also don't need to shave my neck. Lots of other factors in there.
Another thing to consider is if someone shaves every other day or two and has a fairly coarse beard compared to someone that shaves daily with less facial hair, big difference.

I have started putting in a new blade on Sundays. If I shave every day it is easy on the blade and it will last all week (rarely actually do this). And, if I miss a few days it comes out to be fewer shaves that are tougher on the blade, but the blade will still last all week. I have a mustache and goatee so that helps too. YMMV
Does a two pass shave wear a blade out 1/3 less than a three pass one? That's a good question because blade wear it tied directed to hair cutting. You are likely slicing less hair on the 3 pass but how much less is anyone's guess. For me, I found that if I can go 4 days with a blade doing 2 passes, it will only last 3 days at 3 passes per shave.
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