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Which Van Der Hagen?

I have been wet shaving since Christmas, and I love it. I was in love with the Taylor of Old Bond Street lavender cream I started with. When it ran out I bought a puck of Van Der Hagen soap and liked it twice as much as the TOBS. That puck of soap is still going strong and looks like it will last several more months!

I noticed immediately with the VDH...I mean after the first shave...that my face did not bleed and I was able to get a closer shave. My problem is that I don't remember which type I bought (deluxe, glycerin, or select). I'm thinking it was the deluxe because it is a tan color as their website shows. The select looks white.

Which one of these is the best in your opinion?


My elbows leak
Staff member
The deluxe is the best of the three.
You can't mistake its Creepy Barbie Doll Plastic Flesh Color.

The Deluxe is Pinkish

The Glycerin is Tan

The Select is White.


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Thanks! I know you can get a pack of twelve for maybe $15 on Amazon. Considering how long this first puck is lasting, that should take me through retirement.
Everytime I think that I will take my VDH Deluxe out of my antique shaving mug and put some really great soap in there I think well I might as well shave one last time with the VDH. Well the same thing always happens......I love this stuff, why would I stop using it; it belongs in my cool antique shaving mug! I am wondering if the price is making me think this stuff is not worthy, then I shave with it and I realize its not about price, its about the shave!
I have only shaved with the glycerin VDH and I really like it. It lathers amazingly and makes my skin feel great. For the price it can't be beat
The Select works pretty well for me, but the Deluxe is good too (even if it does look like creepy doll flesh). I have not tried the Glycerin, it's not available locally, and I always add a few drops of pure glycerin to my lather as it seems to help it stay together.
I like the deluxe a lot and even when the other two aren't available locally, you can usually find the deluxe. It's a great performer and it doesn't take much to get a good lather.
The Deluxe is the only soap I have used since starting, less a couple samples of creams. I don't have anything to really compare it to as far as soaps, but it's always worked like a champ for me, and the fact that it's cheap is another plus.
VDH Deluxe is the bomb! Gives a great shave and the price is right.

If you gave it a nice scent, exotic name and a fancy package, you could probably get $15.00 a puck for it. Amazing stuffl
I have tried all three. I would rank them as follows:

3) Select
2) Glycerin
1) Deluxe

The select is the wort of the three, and there is very little difference in performance between the Glycerin, and the Deluxe.

VDH Deluxe is one of my favorite soaps for it's ability to create rich lather with minimal effort. :tongue_sm
Which brick and mortar outlets carry the glycerine or select????

All I ever see is the Deluxe @ Wal Mart.

For the most part that's usually the only one you'll find around here inside a store. Some people get lucky and their local WM stocks more than just deluxe, but not around here that I know of. You could check Walgreens and CVS, they usually carry VDH, but only deluxe where I live.
May I kindly ask someone who has the packaging at hand to write down the INCI list for either VDH soap? Thanks in advance!
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