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superlather or no superlather

Can't say that I've tried it to be honest? Seems to be a bit of a waste of soap/cream. Not that I'm short on either but why use more than is really required? Is it really worth using double the amount of products?


B&B's Man in Italy
Although I got great shaves making some superlathers, in particular combining Proraso soap with Proraso cream, I always prefer to use shaving products as they are.
Anyhow this is clearly very subjective.


My elbows leak
Staff member
The only time I'd superlather is if I got gifted a puck of Casswell Massey and had to actually use it.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Although I got great shaves making some superlathers, in particular combining Proraso soap with Proraso cream, I always prefer to use shaving products as they are.
Anyhow this is clearly very subjective.


I superlather with soaps or creams that I can't get a decent lather from. Otherwise, I use them alone!

I superlather with soaps or creams that I can't get a decent lather from. Otherwise, I use them alone!


Luc is right on the money.
I've dabbled in it for fun in the past, but now I very rarely (if ever) superlather. I have finally learned how to get great lathers out of all of the products in my rotation, so I don't feel the need anymore.
I super lather about two-thirds of the time. I originally started in order to get some use out a cream that didn't perform very well. Nowadays I use a good soap and a good cream to get great results.
If I use Burt's Bee's Bay Rum I like to super lather with the unscented KMF. Love the Burt's Bee's Bay Rum soap for the strong bay rum sent. I will super lather in a mug with a boar brush.

Sometimes, if using creams like Proraso, I will add I drop of KMF unscented to the Badger brush with the small amount of Proraso tube cream for extra slickness. In this case I will face lather.

I find myself creating a superlather most nights. Regardless of what soap I am using I put a squirt of Headslick in to get a menthol blast.

But I'm not addicted to menthol. I can stop any time I want -- I just don't want to.
I do uberlather only once in a blue moon. I like it, but I found myself to have become proficient enough to make very, very good lather without the soap. However, I do use Glycerin (for moisturizing). I also found that using something like Stephan's Conditioning Shave Creme (before my lather) helps as, shall we say, a pre-shave treatment.

Also, I make my lather in a bowl, but sometimes on my face. Both work fine.

To make a long story short and answer your question: it depends on the day and what I feel like. But, short cutting myself on the prep will inevitably lead to an inferior shave...so, I do it right...super or regular :001_smile.

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I like to try it once in awhile just for giggles when using Col Conk soap and my big EverReady brush; makes mounds of lather; way more than I need, but it helps the Conk soap.
It depends upon how much time I have and my mood. Sometimes I'll use products by themselves, sometimes I'll superlather, and sometimes I'll uberlather.

The only time I'd superlather is if I got gifted a puck of Casswell Massey and had to actually use it.

I got one of these for Christmas...used it once and it will never be used on its own again unless I eventually figure out how to get a good lather out of it, but I don't think it's possible with that soap. I guess I at least got a wooden bowl out of it :lol:
I'll occasionally "superlather" if I've consciously skimped a bit on my Prep. Otherwise I'll just use my soaps as they are :thumbup:

On a side note, I've otherwise pretty much stopped using creams as I'm happy with my current soap rotation and get consistent results (in both lather and the resulting shave)...so I might have to PIF a few creams soon! :lol:
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I have gotten into the habit of creating a super lather every time I shave.

I face lather with Moos and add a dollop of KMF unscented into my brush each pass... yeah it makes A LOT of lather... and I like it that way! :thumbup:
Sometimes I Superlather, sometimes I Überlather and sometimes I just lather... Depends on the mood I'm in, which can vary by the hour.
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