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Did The Misspelling Keep This Under The Radar?


B&B membership has its percs
I noticed it also - I have one already, sans the shipper .. looks like at least 10 souls saw it as well .. seems reasonable but until it is in hand who knows?
Ebay misspellings are wonderful. Urban legend has it that some people mine them for a living. Here in France, I have picked up some real bargains by searching for "Gilette" on various sites. Reason is: a French person knows how to pronounce our favorite brand but, if he spelled it correctly, it would come out pronounced " zhee - ette". So they typically spell it wrong, with a single "l".
How many of us search with intentional misspellings? 1, 2, 3 . . . . . :laugh:

I do. Sometimes they go under, but there is often another key word or two that get them noticed. But I've not been searching much lately.... (started buying guitars again, far less razor money :laugh:).
I found it by searching the misspell. They got Executive right, however. I wonder how it would've done without Executive in the title.
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