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GFT Coconut; Disappointing

Am I the only one that finds this utterly disappointing. Non tallow by the way. I was excited when I picked this up, first puck of Trumpers. First go was the most painful shave I had ever had. I had a thick moist lather that felt really good and was enjoying the aroma. When I put the straight to it, it felt like I was shaving dry with nothing on my face. My angle was good and I could see that the straight was cutting well. :frown:
Today I tried it again. Freshly honed straight and a very good looking and feeling lather. Couldn't finish the WTG, rinsed face, switched to PS Green Tea and had an awesome shave.
This is good to know, because I have been thinking of trying GFTG Coconut, myself. I have the Rose soap and like it a lot.

Also, I have and like PS green tea.
I totally agree with all said. I purchased both Trumper's Rose and coconut soap. The rose lathers profusely and gives a great shave, but no matter what I do, face or bowl lather, more or less soap or water, the lather from the coconut is appalling, and so is the resulting shave. I've given up with it and use Floris and Harris. Pity, as I feel the coconut has one of the best scents around.

Good to know. That was on my list to try once I got through with the Mama Bear Toasted Coconut. (for the coconut rotation slot)

I do also really like their Rose soap, so figured it was a shoe-in.
This all crazy talk. I own/have owned a trumpers puck in every scent except sandalwood and they all perform fantastically well for me. I don't use a straight though, I use a DE. I think that trumpers makes one of the best soaps out there. Try using even more product and see if that helps.
Wow.....YMMV at work.

The only GFT I have is their Coconut with tallow:001_wub: Other than that, not a fan of their line besides their Limes. I wish they made a Marlborough soap though like their cologne.:thumbup1:
Sorry you didn't like it. I have the cream (and really enjoy it) and was considering getting the soap at some point in the future. Based on what you said, I'm not so sure that I will.
I had a GFT Rose which I sold off. The scent was just amazing...probably the best out of any of my shave products! The performance was the issue, I much prefer the lather from MWF, DR Harris, CADE etc.
I've had the GFT Sandalwood, Rose and Coconut shave soaps. The scents are great - especially the Sandalwood. The all around performance for me (including lather, slickness and moisturizing properties) is average. Not bad, but my other soaps of choice perform much better.
Wow.....YMMV at work.

The only GFT I have is their Coconut with tallow:001_wub: Other than that, not a fan of their line besides their Limes. I wish they made a Marlborough soap though like their cologne.:thumbup1:

Ooh.. I didn't know GFT had a version of the Marlborough scent. I love DRH's Marlborough shave soap and cologne. How similar is it to those?
Please PM for GFT Coconut disposal instructions and address.

Proper disposal ensures the safety of all concerned, especially the soap.

Ooh.. I didn't know GFT had a version of the Marlborough scent. I love DRH's Marlborough shave soap and cologne. How similar is it to those?

I think it's only in the colognes that the Marlborough comes in. It goes on citrusy but turns a little smokey later in the day. I've never smelled DR's before so not sure how similar they are but I know Marlborough is like Lavender where everyone has their interpretation.
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