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Japan, Calling All B&B Members In Japan

I've been looking to buy some Fiber Grease pomade for my pompadour. The stuff is made out of unobtanium here in the US. Can anyone in Japan see if it's easy to come by and how much it costs? Fiber Grease comes in a yellow and black checkered, plastic can. Cool Grease XX comes in a black tub, and Cool Grease comes in blue. Thank You!
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We have several members in Japan, from Okinawa to Hokkaido. I haven't seen this in stores, but I'll keep an eye out.

I'm sure someone will chime in to help you soon. You can bump this post once a day if no one jumps in right away.
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Hmmm....can't remember seeing a checkered container but there are about a hundred different kinds of pomade here in Japan. Is it at all possible for you to post a picture of what the stuff looks like? I'd be glad to help if I can.
Ah you mean this stuff?


Never seen it in stores but there are online Rockabilly/Punk/Greaser shops in Japan that will have it. I think it said it was 1597 yen a tub (plus shipping I would imagine).
Japan is a living museum of hairstyles. It's like people volunteer every year to be the ones to keep the pompadour, rocker big-hair, or the mullet alive. Of course you can find all of that in the US too, but in Japan you can find it at the same table.
Japan is a living museum of hairstyles. It's like people volunteer every year to be the ones to keep the pompadour, rocker big-hair, or the mullet alive. Of course you can find all of that in the US too, but in Japan you can find it at the same table.

:lol::lol::lol: So very true!
Thank you for the replies. I'm not sporting a massive pomp by any means; Elvis will be safe. The reason I was looking for this stuff is twofold. First, I'd like a pomade (not Layrite) that is washable, and second, one that has really good hold. My hair gets a bit wavy in the front and it makes it a challenge to make a sharp looking pomp.
I have a bunch of pomades I've used and should probably add my 2¢ to the reviews section.

Thanks for the title change SlagleRock.
That is exactly what I was looking for thunderball. Awesome name btw, I'm a Bond freak.
This website has a lot of Japanese haircare products and tons of other things that are typically not available stateside,but be careful, if you log into it through jlist instead of jbox.com http://www.jbox.com/SEARCH/hairyou are going to have access to other novelty items that are distributed by that company. :scared:
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Nothing to do with hair....But I loooooove me some CHU-HI!!! Ah how I miss clubbing in Roppongi to the break of dawn(drinking chu-hi of course), catching the Keiku line back to my apartment in Miurakaigan and having a ice cold Georgia coffee for the ride!! Yes my friends, Japan rocks...
Thank you for the replies. I'm not sporting a massive pomp by any means; Elvis will be safe. The reason I was looking for this stuff is twofold. First, I'd like a pomade (not Layrite) that is washable, and second, one that has really good hold. My hair gets a bit wavy in the front and it makes it a challenge to make a sharp looking pomp.
I have a bunch of pomades I've used and should probably add my 2¢ to the reviews section.

Thanks for the title change SlagleRock.
That is exactly what I was looking for thunderball. Awesome name btw, I'm a Bond freak.

NP, glad to help. Also, educated reviews are ALWAYS welcomed in the review section. If you know pomades, please share your impressions with us!

Nothing to do with hair....But I loooooove me some CHU-HI!!! Ah how I miss clubbing in Roppongi to the break of dawn(drinking chu-hi of course), catching the Keiku line back to my apartment in Miurakaigan and having a ice cold Georgia coffee for the ride!! Yes my friends, Japan rocks...

Were you stationed there with the military?
Nothing to do with hair....But I loooooove me some CHU-HI!!! Ah how I miss clubbing in Roppongi to the break of dawn(drinking chu-hi of course), catching the Keiku line back to my apartment in Miurakaigan and having a ice cold Georgia coffee for the ride!! Yes my friends, Japan rocks...

Miura Kaigan! I used to live there too. Welcome aboard!
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