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It's a Girl!

Yesterday I got back from hospital after my wife went into labor early Tuesday. This is our first child and I'm floating on cloud nine, a healthy and beautiful baby girl named Sophia!

Needless to say we're both still figuring out our new routines and are learning a lot on what feels like a second-by-second basis, but so far so good and I'm SUPER excited to have my new girl here!

Congrats! That is an awesome thing! I was there such a short time ago, enjoy every second of it! Even if it is sleep deprived it's worth it!

By the way Sophia is a beatiful name.
Congrats to you both.

Sleep is now the most important commodity in your marriage. To this day my wife, who's motherly instincts woke her when our first born rolled over, is amazed that I could sleep through the crying (but not the sharp elbow in the ribs).
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