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Swirl or Paint?

I bowl lather, and when I apply lather I swirl and massage first, then paint on to even out the lather. As a newbie I'm still working on my techniques in all aspects, but this seems to be working pretty well for me so far.
Me?... I paint unless I'm face lathering. There is no best way, that is to say the way you do it is the best way. A rule of thumb would be if you are using a pre-shave oil you should probably paint so as to not emulsify the oil with the soap.
I bowl lather, and when I apply lather I swirl and massage first, then paint on to even out the lather. As a newbie I'm still working on my techniques in all aspects, but this seems to be working pretty well for me so far.

Pretty much what he said.
Swirl for a bit first, then paint to evenly cover everything. For the 2nd & 3rd passes, my brush and lather is pretty much ready for painting motion only.
I bowl lather, and when I apply lather I swirl and massage first, then paint on to even out the lather. As a newbie I'm still working on my techniques in all aspects, but this seems to be working pretty well for me so far.

+1.. That is very similiar to what I do and I get great results this way. Sometimes I use a pre-shave oil also with no ill-effects on lather. Of course it goes without saying YMMV.
Bowl lather then paint. Even with a silver-tip my face gets irritated with even a touch of light swirling:blushing:. Painting is my only option.
I do hybrid lather creation, lol...I've gone back and forth between bowl and face lathering, and find I get the best and most consistant with the bowl, but I miss the Rooney Finest and copious amounts of face tiem with it, so after I get the lather where I want it in the bowl, I face lather in scrubby circles for as long as I would have if I built directly on the face, then I paint to even out...I spend probably five minutes lathering my first pass, lol.
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