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The Real Shaving Co. Is the Real Deal

First DE shave was with VDH deluxe.....ok results 2nd DE shave was with AOS sandlewood...great shave results but the soap gave me irritation so boom cant use that anymore.....3rd DE shave was with Poraso..again a good shave but i think the menthol irritated my skin. So I was starting to really get down on the DE shave becuase it seemed that the only thing that didnt irritate my skin was ZIRH gel which is well...a gel. So i stopped in Rite-Aid to pick up some junk food to sneak into the movies and I stopped into the shaving aisle with this vision that there would be a miraculous product I hadnt ran across. Well it happened. When i picked up the Real Shaving Co. cream I thought to myself....well heres another wasted 5 bucks. Let me tell you this stuff absolutely ROCKS! It lathered in 2 secs and was as slick as Vanilla Ice in 1990. So if you've debated on trying this generic looking...mom and pop packaged stuff... well im telling you to JUST DO IT! nike
Bingo. TRSC is a fantastic product. The scent is merely OK (I like it, but on average, I think the board would say "OK"), but it is just a champion performer. At it's price per ounce, it easily gets my vote for best-value cream. (Nod to KMF, which at least matches price/oz, but I get a better shave with TRSC, and KMF's scents are too light to register on my somewhat defective sense of smell.)
Very slick! Like, so slick if you get lather on your fingers your razor will slip out of your hands. Great stuff. Its fragrance grows on you.

Bargain and a great shave. I am always somewhat amazed by this stuff too. The scent is definately OK. A bit of citrus.

Worth more than 5 bucks for sure.
If you love a good product at a great price, you need The Real Shaving Company's creams in your bathroom. Period.
i personally could not get passed the scent :sad: it does get a smooth lather and a great shave, so if you like the scent it is one of the best deals around.
Lathers great, but the scent is worse than "meh" in my opinion. I don't like it. And it hasn't grown on me at all.

Because of that, the cream doesn't get much action in my den; I use mostly soaps anyway, and I have Trumper's Lime in a tub just begging to be used.

Like I said, I like the lather, but who would choose TRSC over Trumper's Lime?
I've not tried it myself yet, even though I picked up three tubes of it for £1 each in a discount store over here recently. Seems like shaving creams are one place were us in the UK can get a better bargain than you guys.
Great stuff this and it lathers great and really seems to soften those bristles and as the above post says its so cheap here in the uk, i can get the creams and face scrub for a pound and the special edition in a tub for a pound and i am liking thier daily facial scrub so invested 5 pound in 5 tubes, dont mind the scent either.
I have to agree that this is a great product. Lathers easily, it is very forgiving, and leaves a nice slick cushion. I do not mind the scent. I would have loved it 20 years ago when I was youing and wreckless. Now that I am old and stupid...I prefer a more classic scent.

I tried the balm which has the same scent. While it is a nice balm, I do have a complaint. It is too watery for a tube. It always leaks a little or comes out too fast. Think I may decant it onto a bottle.
Thanks for the haeds up. I'd been thinking abou their products. Has anyone used their "Hot towel mask.? It's supposed to be a self heating pre-shave in a bottle.
I love the stuff!! I don't find the scent overpowering nor is it unpleasant.

It will face-lather quite nicely with either a boar or badger brush. The price is right, and a little goes a long way. My present tube is still about 40% full, and was opened in mid-November. (I'm a daily shaver.)

When I load my brush with some VDH and a bit of TRSC and then bowl-lather, the end result is slicker than snot on a brass doorknob.

At $4.99 it is a great deal. In December, my Rite-Aid had it on sale for $2.99, so Santa gave me a year's supply in my stocking for Christmas!!

The balm works well, and with regular use has really made a difference in the condition of my facial skin. I'm still ugly as sin, but smooth as silk!!

It's a great product line that probably doesn't get the respect it deserves due to its low price and drugstore availability . . . it also works well with Wal-Mart Personnas!! :thumbup1:
Great value, great product, and I guess I'll consider myself lucky since I actually quite like the scent! This cream (I'm using the "moisturizing" formula) makes a wonderful lather in no time flat. Got mine for $2.99 a tube. As far as I'm concerned, it can't be beat in the under $5 range of creams.
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I'll have to give that one a try! Thanks for the info! Anybody know other stores that carry it besides Rite-Aid? Not sure where the closest on is to me.

So, you won't be needing that AOS sandlewood anymore? Hmm....been wanting to try some AOS....
I was just looking at this cream a few days ago in Rite-Aid, decided not to buy any. Now I may have to give it a try. I'm more of a soap guy, but willing to try out something I can get locally and cheap...
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