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Ever-ready blades?


Use the Fat, Luke!
My first ever SE razor - an Ever-ready with a closed comb - came in the mail today and I cannot wait to try it out. Only thing is, I am clueless as to which blades work well with an SE. My DE technique is good, ie, I don't ever cut myself anymore, and can get DFS/BBS every time, so I'm not intimidated by extra sharp blades. I just want a really good blade for getting BBS. Any recommendations?
GEM blades will work, right? The consensus seems to be that the Ted Pellas are best, but the drugstore Treets are also supposed to be good (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=74321).

I haven't tried either, but I do have twenty-odd of the amazon blades (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0018DKTUE/) which seem to be ok in my micromatic. Let me know if you'd like to try a couple.They are supposed to be the same as the Ted Pellas (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=120942).


Use the Fat, Luke!
That would be so nice of you if you can afford to give me one I sure would appreciate it!
So far I have used CVS brand blades, Treet blades from Rite Aid and Personna blades from Walgreens. All 3 have shaved pretty near identical to me so far. I usually only see 1 pack in any given store and usually purchase them when I do see them :001_smile

Once I go through my stash of drug store blades I plan on ordering some Pella's to compare.
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