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Real Shaving Company Cream

I know I can find the Real Shaving Company cream at Rite-aid. However, the nearest one to me is 45 minutes away or so in a town I never visit. Are there other stores that carry this product?

Also, does it have menthol in it? I like the C.O. Bigelow, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to use it much more this fall/winter with my skin as dry as it is.

I know of no other stores besides Rite Aid that stock it. Two of the three varieties don't have Menthol (it comes in three varieties: Moisturizing, Sensitive, and Cooling, which has a small amount of Menthol according to the reviews.).

Real Shaving SC is great quality stuff. It's the same quality as TOBS, but for only 1/3 of the cost.
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You can also buy online straight off their website. I am not sure of the price difference and you would have to pay shipping. I think that the cooling one has menthol and not the others. I know that the sensitive skin does not have menthol in it as my husband uses it, and I dont think that the moisturizing has menthol in it.
I use The Real Shave Co. Sensitive skin formula and I love it. It has a light fragrance which I like. I have sensitive skin and I can not even put the CO Bigelow on my face without it burning. I paid $5 for mine from Eit Aid and yet I see you do not have one close. I am sorry to hear that.
You can also buy online straight off their website. I am not sure of the price difference and you would have to pay shipping. I think that the cooling one has menthol and not the others. I know that the sensitive skin does not have menthol in it as my husband uses it, and I dont think that the moisturizing has menthol in it.

Correct, the Cooling version has Menthol, but according to reviews a very small, and almost undetectable amount. In other words, it doesn't have the cooling blast of Proraso/ C.O. Bigelow or Aqua Velva.
Would it be worth it for you to pay somebody to ship it to you? I have RiteAids on every corner around my place. It would probably only cost about 3 bucks or so to ship something CONUS.

Just a thought. Since the tube is only something like 5 bucks, you could get it to your house for under ten pretty easily; making it still cheaper than C.O. Bigelow (and I like it better, but your mileage may vary).

Oh, and if your face is dry and you don't want menthol for the winter, you should probably get the Moisturizing kind.
Thanks for the responses and offer, kingfisher. I was in Clemson for the game this weekend and it turns out the have a Rite-Aid. So I picked up a tube. The did not have any of the "Sensitive" variety, I picked up a tube of the regular to give it a shot.

Additionally there was a store downtown, M.H. Frank, that carried Truefitt and Hill stuff. Unfortunately he was out of the soaps. But the gentleman in there had a couple vintage Gillettes and said he is on B&B. Very cool!
Thanks for the responses and offer, kingfisher. I was in Clemson for the game this weekend and it turns out the have a Rite-Aid. So I picked up a tube. The did not have any of the "Sensitive" variety, I picked up a tube of the regular to give it a shot.

I have noticed no difference between the Sensitive, and Moisturizing varieties. My local Rite Aid doesn't even stock the "Cooling" version.
I shaved with this cream this morning (turns out it was the Moisturizing variety), and it was great. While the C.O. Bigelow seems to be pretty good, it was nice to use a cream without the burning. Thanks for the recommendations!
Glad you got some. I think this stuff is a definite bargain and works very well.

I like the very mild citrus scent...I think mine is the moisturizing version.
I have tried all three versions of this and I prefer the menthol version - it seems to mute out the heavy tea tree scent - which kills it for me.

I have tried all three versions of this and I prefer the menthol version - it seems to mute out the heavy tea tree scent - which kills it for me.


I won't lie, it does have a rather unique earthy/woodsy scent to it. It's the only negative thing you can say about the cream though. :tongue_sm
I wasn't sure about the scent of RSC sensitive on my first few uses. But after having used it many times now, I can say that the scent has grown on my and I actually like it now.
I wasn't sure about the scent of RSC sensitive on my first few uses. But after having used it many times now, I can say that the scent has grown on my and I actually like it now.


I think I began to associate a nice, smooth shave with the smell, so after awhile the smell became positive to me.
I wasn't sure about the scent of RSC sensitive on my first few uses. But after having used it many times now, I can say that the scent has grown on my and I actually like it now.

Same for me. This is good stuff. It's got a permanent spot in my cream rotation and I use this or JM Fraser's professionally as a barber. I've asked before and I'll ask again, why doesn't RSC get more love?

I've asked before and I'll ask again, why doesn't RSC get more love?


I have often wondered that too. Other products available locally receive tons of hype (C.O. Bigelow Premium Shaving Cream), but this one seems unknown among many shavers.

All I can figure, is that people find the scent to be off putting?

Considering the cost (roughly 1/3 of TOBS. $5) you would think budget conscious shavers would be hyping this product like there were no tomorrow.
They repackaged this stuff here in the UK and all the product in the old packaging is on the shelves of the budget Poundland stores. I scooped up every tube of the shave cream and balm that I could find in the local Poundland and love the stuff. The balm is every bit as good as the cream for those of you who haven't tried it, no alcohol and not too greasy. The facial wash however is awful, like scrubbing your face with sandpaper.
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