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Do Tube Creams Freeze During Shipping?

It is definitely getting cooler here in Maryland, with it being November. I'm a bit low on my Trumper travel shaving cream which comes in a tube. If I order some now, is the tube likely to freeze in transit? Or will my supplier be able to pack something to prevent that? I know this a bit of a fussy question. --Bob
In theory, yes, assuming it's been left out in the cold long enough after delivery.

Oddly enough though, Spieck will start to solidify in the presence of heat, not cold.
I had never considered this, and it would be of particular importance since I currently live in eastern Montana (it was -30 when I showed up here in January). Does it hurt the creams when they freeze? Wouldn't they just thaw back out, unharmed?
Does it hurt the creams when they freeze? Wouldn't they just thaw back out, unharmed?

Now that is indeed a good question. I know that when mine harden they are fine but never had them freeze. Maybe I should put a sample in the freezer and try this out.
I had never considered this, and it would be of particular importance since I currently live in eastern Montana (it was -30 when I showed up here in January). Does it hurt the creams when they freeze? Wouldn't they just thaw back out, unharmed?

Usually, they just need a good remixing, but sometimes, yes, quality is affected depending on how cold, how long, and specific ingredients involved.
Hurt, no, not really. It's a physical change not a chemical one. That said, extreme cold or extreme heat could cause separation. After all, shaving creams are more or less an emulsion of sorts, but all you would need to do is mix things back together so it's all good.
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