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salt block thingy?

Hey all,

Many barbers I have been shaved by use this salt block thingy that they say is from Italy. They rub it all over my face at the end of the shave and it's great. Do y'all know what I am talking about? Where can I get these?
Yep, alum block.

I buy the 'natural crystal' deodorant sticks (they're just alum), and use those.

I also rub it on a piece of sandpaper to make styptic powder for those weepers, and just dab it on. Works like magic.
Definitely alum block. It's great, isn't it. Just about any of the on-line vendors where you buy shaving products sells them. Buy the cheapest one you can find. Many Indian grocery stores also sell them.
For sure on all the above. The alum block is great and can be used for so many things. Their not overly expensive, and the smaller ones can be used for travel. The regular Tai. deodorant stick will do the same thing and is even cheaper. :001_rolle :biggrin: :tongue: :rolleyes:
I have the alum block from Appleton Barber Supply (around $5 ) It's shaped like a little dome so it's easy to glide over your face. It has lasted quite a long time, too.
In search of a block of alum in local stores I noticed the whole crystal deoderant thing. The "Crystal Body Deoderant" that comes in a purple/clear plastic case is made of ammonium alum. The "Thai Crystal Deoderant Stone" made by Deoderant Stones of America is made of potassium alum. I am not a chemist and don't really know the difference between potassium alum and ammonium alum. It seems like the alum sold for shaving needs is made of potassium alum based on what I see for sale online. For people that like to buy in the store when they can, it would seem logical to go with the "Thai Crystal".
In checking with my health food store, the ammonium alum has some kind of aluminum additive that could tend to build up in the body over time. Where the potash alum does not. Most of the good Tai. deodorant sticks/blocks all contain the potash alum. Aluminum build up in the body could lead to a serious problem over time, and using the supplement Malic Acid can help to remove the aluminum build up from the body through the process of chelation. :biggrin: :001_rolle :tongue: :wink:
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