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Is there a concern with the post Vulfix Simpson Duke 3 Best Badger brush?

I've read in a few places here and there that there seems to be some concerns with the post Vulfix Duke 3 in Best but I haven't heard concerns with the post Vulfix Chubby 1 :confused: I don't know much about the Simpson brush history and subsequent acquisition by Vulfix but I read up on Simpson brushes a little and ordered a Duke 3 in best from WCS last night. Could someone shed some light on this? For example, have problems/issues/inconsistencies been observed with the post Vulfix Duke 3 while the post Vulfix Chubby has been problem free? Just trying to get a better understanding....
I can say that anecdotally there were a lot of concerns (posts at B&B) about the early Vulfix-Simpsons brushes, not just the Duke 3's; that they seemed different from the original Simpsons. John from West coast has indicated that the newer stock seems significantly better, muck more akin to the original Simpsons. If you are ordering from a vendor that has newer stock you should be all set. The Duke 3 has an awesome reptutation - you are going to enjoy that brush!

There haven't been any problems or issues with the Simpson/Vulfix Dukes. It's just that they are not the same as before. The reports I've heard are that Vulfix has given the Duke more loft (higher loft) than in the past and it is therefore a different brush. If I were you and since you already ordered it, give it a whirl. I'm sure it's an excellent brush.

as to the Chubby, I think they are more similar to the Chubby of yore, except the sticker will actually stay on now. :biggrin:

I can say that anecdotally there were a lot of concerns (posts at B&B) about the early Vulfix-Simpsons brushes, not just the Duke 3's; that they seemed different from the original Simpsons. John from West coast has indicated that the newer stock seems significantly better, muck more akin to the original Simpsons. If you are ordering from a vendor that has newer stock you should be all set. The Duke 3 has an awesome reptutation - you are going to enjoy that brush!

Thanks for the response...that's good news. I ordered from John so hopefully, mine will be coming from the newer stock :cool:


There haven't been any problems or issues with the Simpson/Vulfix Dukes. It's just that they are not the same as before. The reports I've heard are that Vulfix has given the Duke more loft (higher loft) than in the past and it is therefore a different brush. If I were you and since you already ordered it, give it a whirl. I'm sure it's an excellent brush.

as to the Chubby, I think they are more similar to the Chubby of yore, except the sticker will actually stay on now. :biggrin:


Ok, I can see where that would cause some concerns...thanks for clearing that up. I looked at the measurements on the WCS site and it looks like the Duke 3 Best actually has a shorter loft than Chubby 1 best...

Chubby 1 Best
Color: Faux Ivory
Total Height: 88mm
Bristle Loft: 47mm
Knot Dia: 23mm
Hair: Simpson Best Badger

Duke 3 Best
Color: Faux Ivory
Total Height: 92mm
Bristle Loft: 46mm
Knot Dia: 23mm
Hair: Simpson Best Badger

either way I'm sure it will be a great brush. Thanks again for the info :thumbsup:
The quality of the post-V D3B (circa November 2008) I had was excellent, but as it's been noted before, it was not the same brush as the pre-V; higher loft, not scrubby, actually quite "rubbery" rather than firm. I don't mean to diss it, but ultimately it wasn't what I wanted from a Duke. I'm glad to hear the newer ones are better regarded.
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