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So I am been at the DE for about 2 weeks now. My first shaves were awesome and pretty close. I read the article from scotto about how to how the razor and the morning after shaved extremely close. It was awesome. That was a Sunday morning.

Tuesday morning I did not get so close around my neck so I tried some different passes on Weds. Yowsers. I tore up my face. I was probably putting to much pressure. Well I took Thursday off to give my face a rest. I had to shave on Friday. I can only let it go two days when I have to work. That is an improvement though since it was more like having to shave around 5 pm after a morning shave before I switched to the DE. Friday hurt but it was no unbearable. I just added to the irritation though. This morning I had the shave because I have a wedding to go to today and that is where YOWSERS comes from. My face was already semi irritated from yesterday and today was just unbelievably painful. Damn that razor burn. It has calmed down a little but though now but is still sensitive to the touch, I know, I know, don't touch it then.

I am going to try to take until Tuesday off to get it to fully recover so I can start fresh. In the meantime though are there any products that I can get that will accelerate the healing process? I already use alum and them Proraso shaving balm (not the cream) after the shave and it helps to ease the pain but does not accelerate the healing.

On a side note the heads from China are on their way so I should be able to make myself some real nice silvertip brushes very soon.


Irritated but not giving up - Matt
mmp13 said:
Irritated but not giving up - Matt

That's the spirit buddy!

You seem to have things in control, but I'm going to make one small suggestion. Stick with one pass, and one pass only for a while. If you do damage on this pass it will be much easier for your face to recover, and you'll be able to go at it again the next day.

As far as a product for healing your face, I'll have to give a plug for my favorite balm: Weleda ASB
I've found that aloe does a great job in speeding the healing of the skin.

I was also tearing up my neck. I finally figured out that on the S-N pass I was applying too much pressure due to holding the razor upside down for that pass. Once I starting making a point of lightening up on it the nicks and burns went away.

I've found what did the trick for me if I really tore my face up in the beginning of my wetshaving career was this---

Wet your face down with ice-cold water. If it is REAL bad, like your face is speckled red with blood dots and bumps, get a bowl of ice-water, meaning put the cubes in a bowl with water. Get a washcloth and soak it cool and then wrap your face in the ice cold washcloth. Just let it cool your face down and ease the swell & irritation. Then, get a soft towel and PAT, not rub, PAT your face dry very softly. Then, if you have some hydrosol, spritz it on your face and let it dry. You'd be suprised what that will do. I didn't believe Charles at QED when he told me about that, but damn it does help a lot. Then, once the hydrosol dries, (which will leave no residue), get some pure aloe -an aloe plant being the best thing- and softly rub it on your face.
Aloe is really nature's skin miracle. It's great for sunburns, irritation, bumps, rashes, breakouts, etc.. If you have an aloe plant, take off one of it's fronds and grab your razor or a single edge box razor and slice it down the top. The joyous aloe will flow out.

That should clean up your face quite nicely. It will be a bit sticky in the beginning, but man, it's worth it.
I like the idea of the ice. In fact I think I'll add a few cubes to my cold splash. Here in SoCal water from the tap never gets as cold as the water back east.
sounds to me like you have two week syndrome. many new DE shavers find that after getting pretty good shaves for 2-3 weeks their shaves suddenly start getting worse. what happens is you see that yours shave can be much better so you start trying harder. you try too hard and start to get irratation. my suggestion is take it back to square one for a few days and start over learning your technique (ie dont go for bbs)


Hang in there. Review and think about your prep and your technique. Try different blades in your razor. It'll come together for you.
First off, Mason thank you for the idea of the Aloe. That was probably the best thing that I could have done and I never would have thought of it.

Well all in all it was hard but I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I took sunday and this morning off. I was applying aloe to my neck area for the whole weekend and it was pretty well healed by this morning but I was not taking any chances. I wanted to shave but I thought it was against my better interest.

I shaved tonight. WOW. I concentrated mainly on my technique. NO PRESSURE AT ALL. I mean I thought before that I was not using any pressure but I was just kidding myself. Tonight NONE and I mean NONE.

The results: The best shave bar none that I have ever had in my life. It is not a full BBS yet but the closest that I have ever gotten. There is still one or two small patches of very short hair.

I did do another thing differently but I do not think that it contributed all that much. I bought some Proraso Pre/Post over the weekend and put it on. That stuff is killer, it felt good but I think if I ever run out of ben gay I will use that. Cleaned out my sinuses too.

Thank you guys for all your help!!!!!
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