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Woe is me...

I was just perusing my Amazon wishlist, and decided to check on the availability of the Cross Townsend Titanium FP at PenHero.com Apparently, between the time that I put it on my list and today, it went OOS. At that price, I'm not really surprised. I guess I'll have to haunt flea-bay for it, now.

Saving for vacation with SWMBO got in the way of the pen purchase. OH THE HUMANITY!
SWMBO used to have a Townsend, but it's gone AWOL over the years. I loved the heft of the pen, and will definitely get my hands on one in Ti. It'll just take me a little bit longer, and I'll have to pay "normal" retail pricing. :D It was a DAMNED good deal, though, if I could have gotten in on it. I mean, who doesn't like 40% off?
LOL. There are some on the Bay for half of that. Hopefully they will still be there at the end of October!
Thanks for the thread, it reminded me to look on the Bay, where I found one with an ob nib, for $149. There are quite a few listed, some high priced, others very reasonable.
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