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What keeps you motivated?

Curiosity/exploration/experimentation, what ifs, the "you can't do...', expanding the limits, tying to do more with less, how can i do this better, how can i make this more interesting...
nice images are endless source of motivation!

Social engagement with other hobbyists and photographers is what does it for me. As a result of exposure to the amazing talent exhibited here at B&B, I have re-engaged my SLR interest (a Canon xxD series) and have new found interest in capturing the environment around me.

Granted it's tough sometimes...right now is an extremely busy phase of life and I'm sure that affects a lot of people. Investing in and acquiring equipment cost good money and jobs and family can take much of our time. But through all of that I've managed to find new interest in the act of recording images on a digital sensor. Not many of these are good enough to share but they document a moment in time...something important for me :thumbsup:
My imagination creating semi realisable images.

Seriously with my shooting, I'm pushing my lighting and posing to find what works, and then putting it all together in story telling images. Wish me luck as I wish you in getting out of the rut!
Get a manual camera and shoot film.
Or turn off all the automatic settings on your dslr and shoot full manual.
You will learn to recognize and use different exposure/selective focus/dof/etc.
A fully automatic camera will give you perfectly focused and exposed frames every time. Sometimes, that's not what you want. Ever heard of a holga? It's a plastic medium format film camera. Plastic lens. One shutter speed. Horrible vignetting. Light leaks. Wonderful dreamy pics. It takes pics my Rolleiflex can't take. I even made a pinhole camera out of a paint can! A Google search will show you how.
I still shoot film, from 35mm up to 4X5", mostly 6x6 and 6x7cm. I still have a traditional darkroom, only b&w now. I use digital for colour.
Cut down your options and challenge yourself. Some examples; shoot with a single prime lens, shoot at ƒ/4, shoot at 1/125, work on producing square images... lots of ways to engage your creative side and make photography fun again. Not every image needs to be spectacular, but if it helps you to learn and improve it can well be considered successful.

I am shooting a one-prime-lens, pic-a-day challenge this month and it really helps with creativity. Discussing your own work and that of others is a great way to improve your perceptive skills.
Images I can't get out of my head, so I seek them. I like to explore, travel, snoop into everything I can, so why not share these experiences with the world? There's also that certain feeling when you nail that one good shot and the little editing you do just works, really works. Now quickly put that shot behind you and go out and out do it!
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