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the great new Bud Lite for the UK


I’m stumped
Bud Lite? Is that the modern day Claytons? The drink you have when you're not having a drink.

One word. Noooooooooooo.

All of the American “lite” beers are basically beer flavored water.

However an ice cold coors lite really hits the spot after mowing all day in the middle of the summer


B&B membership has its percs
"Lite" beers are a great fraud, just the regular swill watered down. So they add 33% water to the beer, and sell it to you at the same, full price. What's not to like? Sorry to hear that our idiocy is spreading to the old country ..
Bud Light is the ONLY beer I cannot/will not drink. And I have consumed MANY beers over the past decades. It is wrong on so many counts...ironically though, the most popular beer on the planet. Go figure.
Fun fact...
Ireland, home to many great brews (including the world-reknowned Guiness)-their #1 beer (not stout) in any pub you visit..Budweiser.
At least it isn’t Bud Light.
Now talking about a fine beverage...Grumpy Old Men in North Georgia has surely got it going on. Highly recommended but marketed only around North GA and very Eastern TN.
I think the only reason why its popular is advertising, and Budweiser is associated with old folks and alcoholics.
I think its funny that they advertise for UFC. They should have the fighters drink a 12 pack and roll around the octagon.
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