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Sweet. My first adjustable arrived today (thanks to my first eBay purchase). I had a great start, but went for the jugular and changed too many variables in an attempt to get a Perfect Shave very quickly. So I'm giving it a rest, and I'll start fresh with a light-weighted adjustable at 1 so I don't injure myself, or anyone around me, while I get more familiar with my facial topography. :smile:

So now I must stare at it (a Gillette adjustable, M3, 1967, in *amazing* shape) until after my wedding... I can almost taste it. (ptooey)

PS: This is my 100th post. I thought it should be about shaving stuff. :biggrin:
Congratulations on your new purchase. I'm sure you'll really enjoy your new razor. After a few more months I'd like to step up to an adjustable. But I guess I should learn how to shave with a fixed head first. :biggrin:


The wife's investment
Love the adjustable.

Once you figure out the different settings for your face you'll be smokin.:biggrin:
Congrats twice. Once for your wedding and once for your Gillette Slim.

You sir are a man of good fortune!
Congrats on your first adjustable. You are right, start at 1 and then find the setting that works best for you. Set it and forget it.

I have 8 and counting... 4 slims and 4 Fat Boys. Great shaves every time.

Rafael: You are so right. I found a slim adjustable not long ago, and started at 1. Went to 3 and stayed. Nice BBS shave again today.
Thanks, all! It is haunting me more and more... yet, it gives me something to really look forward to. :smile:

Forget the holidays, let me at that near-mint adjustable! :w00t:
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