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Razor stand for a Merkur Vision

Anyone out there know of a reasonably priced stand that will accommodate a Vision razor? Even better one that will hold a Vision and a Vulfix brush.


My Vision spends most of its time lying on its side, I fear. I've though of making a stand by gluing a plastic tube of the appropriate diameter to a board base---not very elegant, I fear.
There was a post here recently showing a home made stand using sprinkler tubing that looked quite nice. I'm sure someone will provide a link.

I don't bother with stands.

You have posed some tough requirements to meet. I face this challenge all the time when trying to source brush and razor stands. Just when I have one that works, they change the specs on the next batch I receive. A case in point is the one that I sell from Col Conk. It's a nice chrome stand for $20, but it won't fit the Vision. It used to fit the Futur and the Vulfix 375, 2234, & 2235, but no longer. The only quality stand that I can recommend that does what you want is the Dovo. It is made of solid stainless steel, but sells for $65. I am not a big fan of the twisted wire stands, but some like them and they are less expensive.
I picked up a really nice one from Em's that holds my brush and my razor - and it has a lather bowl.
Sure, it's $50 - but most guys spend more than that on their brush - and I find my brush is happier drying with the bristles down.

You'll need to scroll down to the one that says:

Nickel plated brush and razor stand with lather bowl. This functional unit organizes your shaving supplies for daily use. The lather bowl lifts out of the holder that is attached to the stand. (Bowl uses the regular glycerin rounds available in men's toiletries.) $49.95 #mns-hldcr
I don't have any pics, but a friend of mine uses a pipe stand (six position smoking pipes). Looks like it was made to hold razors rather than pipes - ingenious. Took a couple of his razors to a tobacconist and tried out a couple of pipe stands until he got one he liked.

My Vision spends most of its time lying on its side, I fear. I've though of making a stand by gluing a plastic tube of the appropriate diameter to a board base---not very elegant, I fear.
Any of the wire razor stands similar to the Col. Conk should work. The secret is to hang it upside down so no water or other debris fouls up the delicate razor mechanism. There are many stands with wide and narrow wires that will accommodate the Vision. I always clean mine and a drop of oil on the spring and shaft of the barn door mechanism.
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