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Question About This Version of Brut . . .

Hello gentlemen! Happy weekend! I'm wondering if any of you are familiar with this version of Brut? If so, thoughts?

How recent is that bottle? Brut has been distributed by several firms through the years, and to me at least, they vary slightly in scent. I believe the latest supplier is Idele Labs, and their version is close to the original Fabrege one, which is wonderful. There are numerous discussions on Badger & Blade about Brut, perhaps taking a look at some of those will answer your question.
It's a brand new bottle that I bought on Amazon a couple weeks ago. There are many convos about Brut here, but there is limited feedback on the Parfums Prestige/Unilever green-glass version. I'm not sure which country mine comes from, possibly India or Israel, or perhaps somewhere in Europe. It just comes in a clear plastic plexiglass-style case that you pull apart to extract the fragrance bottle from. This one is NOT from Idelle labs, however, and also is not labeled as Brut Classic from Helen of Troy, and it's also a different fragrance from Brut Classic, denser and sweeter.
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