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Ozzy or Dio?

Why the heck would you want to open that very old can of worms?

DIO. Any day! With Rainbow or solo or Sabbath or whatever.

Also go ask anyone who worked with him, met him, spoke with him for a minute etc. about his personality. I wish every rock musician was like him. Cannot say the same thing about the other one in the topic title.
you're not wrong, except for with Sabbath. the song Mob Rules is utterly classic. best intro to any song ever. but his stint in Sabbath doesn't work for me otherwise. Rainbow? slayied it. I like most of Ozzy's solo work better than Dio's, or it's aged better, and I skip less of his than Dio's songs. Sabbath is covered.

Ozzy's got some soul in his work. there's that intangible thing that Ozzy edges out Dio on for me. that Janis vs Maria comparison is apt. as well as lyrical topics too, especially in Sabbath. good thing there's lots of artists out there to find our own grooves with.
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What a great question. I think Dio was clearly the better singer with the range and better harmony. But Ozzy fit the music with the angst/doom element of heavy metal so brought the music to life.
I appreciate both but give advantage to Dio - his recordings with Rainbow hold a special place in my memory.

Ozzy is perhaps greater showman, and it is true with time his voice got better. I always felt, and this is not criticism, at crucial points of his career he was fortunate to work with two incredible guitar players - Iommi and Rhoads.
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