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Just BINned my first injector!

That's BIN as in "bought it now" on the 'Bay. The inspiration was one of my favorite 1940s noir movies, Dark Passage, with Bogie and Bacall, which I happened to revisit last week. This is the one where Bogie, having been (unjustly) convicted of murder, escapes from San Quentin with Bacall's help, and has his face rearranged by a defrocked plastic surgeon (played memorably by Housely Stevenson). There's a scene in Bacall's apartment, about 15 minutes into the movie, where Bogie has just finished shaving and puts the razor down on the sink. It sure looks like a Type E to me. (The date fits, too; the movie came out in 1947.) I have a sort of personal connection to the movie because I used to stay in the landmark Art Deco building (1360 Montgomery St.) where the Bacall character lives. The movie includes some nice location shots of the building's exterior and interior, and lots of other great San Francisco scenery as well.

Anyway, the razor on its way to me is a Canadian Schick Type E. What do you think?

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When I watch the old Bogey movies and similar, I see how we men have become a bunch of slobs. The old schoolers dressed in great suits, shoes, hats and seemed comfortable with high style. Now it's jeans, running shoes and cheap baseball caps.
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