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I tried an experiment...

Before I tried traditional wetshaving, I got my closest shaves with an electric, a Norelco to be precise, but I really didn't use it because my whiskers became so ingrown my face would break out like crazy. (So I just grew a beard instead :biggrin: )
So tonight after my shave I had a rough patch, just to the right of my chin along the jawline always a tough spot for me as the hair is very course and it grows at a sharp angle. Tonight one side was very smooth (the left) and the other a little rougher. It's now a few hours after my shave and I went over the rough spot with the Norelco to see how it fared. My face on the left side which I went over with my HD 4-5 Hours ago is smoother than the patch I went over with the Norelco 5 minutes ago. Needless to say, I'm impressed. Because honestly now that I've gotten into the ritual of traditional wetshaving I would continue even if the results were slightly inferior, just because I look forward to doing it everyday. But now since I did an honest comparison and DE shaving clearly won out I'm hooked for life.

I hope this story can shed some light on some of the doubts that other new members may be feeling.

Cheers and Shave well.
I'm not exactly having any doubts, I've been very sucessuflly shaving since I got my HD last week. I was thinking about doing a little "experiment" of my own, just for a comparison. That would be that maybe once I'm through letterk's sample pack (started with a Derby, now on an Isralei), I might try one day of an M3 and shave goo in a can. I know my shaves are much better now but I would be interested to see how much worse that is once I am better at a DS.
Tim, I did similar tests as well and had the same results. It's funny but I never grew a beard because after a few days the itching just drove me nuts. I just suffered horrible shave after horrible shave.

Still don't know how I managed it but I could cut myself with an electric razor, and I was buying top of the line electrics as well. Also, the whiskers growing in would give me severe ingrown hairs which I would have to pull out with tweezers. Not fun.

My shave yesterday wasn't particularly close but my face still feels great. It's crazy what a good DE, blade, and some products can do for you.
jduffy said:
Tim, I did similar tests as well and had the same results. It's funny but I never grew a beard because after a few days the itching just drove me nuts. I just suffered horrible shave after horrible shave.

Still don't know how I managed it but I could cut myself with an electric razor, and I was buying top of the line electrics as well. Also, the whiskers growing in would give me severe ingrown hairs which I would have to pull out with tweezers. Not fun.

My shave yesterday wasn't particularly close but my face still feels great. It's crazy what a good DE, blade, and some products can do for you.

Yeah, I wore a beard for over a year consecutively and if you added up all the time I've had one in the last 6-7 years it was at least half the time. I've also cut myself with an electric, too. No idea how, but I did it. Same thing with the tweezers. Everytime where my beard ended at my cheekbone, nothing but ingrown hair, it got so bad I even thought of having that area waxed just so it wouldn't break out every freakin' day.
Edcculus said:
I'm not exactly having any doubts, I've been very sucessuflly shaving since I got my HD last week. I was thinking about doing a little "experiment" of my own, just for a comparison. That would be that maybe once I'm through letterk's sample pack (started with a Derby, now on an Isralei), I might try one day of an M3 and shave goo in a can. I know my shaves are much better now but I would be interested to see how much worse that is once I am better at a DS.

Please post how your experiment with the with DE vs. The M3 and goo goes. For me, I always got closer with the electric, but I think for a lot of people that varies. I'd just like to know how that one goes as well.
I most definately will. It wont be for another few weeks though since I want to get through the letterk pack. I'm also not exactly relishing going back to an M3 and shave goo! Even for 1 shave.
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