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Aristocrat case, semi redone.

Thanks to one of our wonderful members of the B&B I now have a case for my Aristocrat.

Good solid case. Cleaned the outsides with dish soap. Went to clean the felt? bottom liner with tape and the darn thing came apart in two spots. So much for cleaning that. A trip to the hobby/sewing store to find some felt wound up a dead end, all they had was green felt. Really wanted to try and match the original color.

Got home and found a worn t-shirt in a maroon color, cotton knit. Cut a donor piece. Taped the old liner back together and taped that onto the new fabric and cut out a new piece.

Removed the top liner and side ribbon, cleaned it the best I could with some sanitizing wipes while being careful not to damage the gillette logo. Cut off a few frayed fabric strands. Sanded the metal tray liner frame then glued the new liner to it.

Tried to repair the bubbling in the faux leather lining on the outside but it is a bit brittle so just left it as is.

Got it all back together and I think it turned out great! Nice and clean on the inside and ready to use! Love it!




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