Items by zachster

This soap was a real disappointment to me. I like the idea of mass produced shaving soaps, like Williams or Van der Hagen/Surrey & Tabac, among a handful of others, because it legitimizes my particular insanity (I mean, heck, if they sell shaving soap at Walgreens, can I be all that crazy?). Master is not sold in stores, as far as I know, but is distributed to barbers and other professionals through barber supply and beauty stores and websites. Among the venerable Master Chemical...
0.83 star(s) 6 ratings
This is interesting stuff. It is inexpensive -- a massive 16 oz tub costing only 3.25 from Appleton Barber Supply. On opening the plastic jar, I was greeted with a greenish substance that smelled pleasantly of coconut and pineapple. While pleasant, I have to say that the scent is more fitting for a sunscreen than a shaving cream. With most brushless creams, I ignore the instructions and lather up in a bowl. This cream would not play that game, and formed no lather to speak of. So I...
Well, it would appear that I have spent $16 for a nice little wooden bowl, because the contents is definitely not shaving soap. I gave this soap a few swirls with my damp little Rooney travel brush (the bowl was too small for the big brush), and coated the bristles with what would normally be plenty of soap. The densely packed Rooney holds plenty of water, and I've always been able to muster good lather directly on the ol' face. I proceeded to lather one side of my face -- so far so good...
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