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How do you face lather creams?

I generally squirt in my hand, rub on my cheeks and then brush. If I put it on the brush i find the brush doesn't splay too good until the lather starts getting in the knot and my face.

What's your method?
For tub creams, I just dip my finger in, take some out and I smear that on my cheeks and under my chin. Then I just take a brush that is damp and I start rubbing it on my right cheek, then my left, then my neck and it eventually breaks open. For me this is just the easiest way.

Sometimes, I will take a tube cream, and just squeeze some into the breach on the brush which is usually damp, and then I will just start lathering it. It feels a bit weird at first but eventually, the cream comes out of the brush and the lather builds.
If it comes from a tub I swirl the tips of a daamp brush around the tub about four or five times and then begin to lather.

If it comes from a tube, then I will apply smears of the cream in various spots on my face and neck. I then begin to lather my face much in the way if I had applied soapp from a stck.
For cream in pots I dip the wet brush in and lather up on my face. Though this can cause the cream to become a bit sloppy when in the final third so I start on a new cream and let the old dry back the original consistency and finish it off when it's ready.

Tubed cream in just squeeze out onto the top of the brush and lather up.
Don't over think there is no wrong way. Many people do it different ways. From a tub I swirl 2-3 times. From a tube I squeeze some in the middle of brush.
Spread a small amount on each cheek and one under the chin for me. Have previously tried the dipping and blob of cream in the brush methods, but neither seemed to work as well for me.
If in a tub, hold upside down and push wet brush uop into the cream. This keeps water from diluting the cream in the tub. Did this for decades before becoming a scullle guy


A little poofier than I prefer
I've tried applying to face and applying to brush and get better results with the latter. YMMV, of course.
From a tub, I use a small Popsicle stick to spread a dab on the brush. From a tube, I just squeeze it into the middle of the knot. +1 to the notion that there is no wrong way to do it, unless you're holding the knot and trying to lather with the handle.
Use both methods, both are working great. There are two types of creams. One is like Palmolive, that feels a little more thick and dense, and other, like Nivea, that's more "fluffy". I'm talking strictly about the creams, not the lather. I like putting the thick ones on my face and the more airy ones directly on the brush, simply because those airy ones slip easier if you have your finger wet or something. When i put them on the finger, i can end up with them in the sink, so i would have to try again. Or maybe is because i'm more clumsy than most people. :001_smile
I apply cream to my face, whether from tub or tube, spread evenly with fingertips, then start lathering with wet brush. For the last 6+ months I have been exclusively face lathering both creams and soaps.
I take a finger tip amount of cream and push that into the center of my brush that is damp. Then with my finger still in the brush I squeeze the brush and rub my finger in spreading the cream in the brush turning and spreading to all sides of the center. Next because I like warm lather I leave brush in a cup in the sink - sink filled with hot water. Come back in about 5 minutes and wet face then proceed to brush lather on.
This works for 3 passes+ But I usually stop on the third and squeeze out the extra lather for the ATG pass.
My technique is to squeeze a dab of cream from the tube of the day into my scuttle. I let it warm up with the hot water, then lather up with a warmed brush. This works well for me.
If it comes from a tub I swirl the tips of a daamp brush around the tub about four or five times and then begin to lather.

If it comes from a tube, then I will apply smears of the cream in various spots on my face and neck. I then begin to lather my face much in the way if I had applied soapp from a stck.

That's what I do.
I will take a small amount of cream, put some on my cheeks and neck, then work it around with my hand to spread it out all over. Then I take the brush and work it up into a full lather.

With tubs, I don't like to put a wet brush in there because I feel it will dilute the cream. I scoop out what I need with a clean, dry finger, then apply it as above.

Last night, on a lark, I used a wet Rooney 3/1 Super to load some BodyShop Original straight from the tub. This is one of my favorite creams, but because its discontinued, I hesitate to use it. I've had this tub for about 7 years, still about half-full, but the cream has gotten a little hard and dried out. So I figured it wouldn't hurt to add a little moisture back into it. The Rooney got swirled 18 times in one direction, then 18 times in the other, and it was fully loaded with rich, thick lather. The balance of the cream that was left absorbed just the right amount of water from the brush, and its looking good as new again.
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