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The Worst Blade

I see difrent opinions About the Use and experience of blades maybe Some like to exgance blades who like to try derby's or lords i like to try difrent blades
I like my Merkur 34C, but I can sure do without Merkur blades. I get "a kinder, gentler" shave with store brand Vietnamese Durcos and Israeli Personnas.
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Did not like Derbys gave them a second shot and enjoyed it. Tried the same with Sharks. Four consistently terrible shaves. More of a scrape and tug than a shave. There is a face for every blade. Sharks are not mine.
I recently came to the conclusion that the Personna Blue Lab blades I’ve been using,..SUCK. Let me clarify, they are great blades, but with a lot of duds in the lot. Quite often you load a new blade and it feels like a rusty saw blade being dragged across your face. They feel like they have burrs on the edge and need to be stropped. I know you can hand or arm strop DE blades, but please for $.17 ea it’s not worth it.
I read a theory on a post somewhere that maybe Personna takes the blades that are not up to snuff for the Medical blades and call those the Labs. Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that as soon as I have 50 posts, mine will be up on the BST.
A couple of years ago I first started shaving with a DE razor so I purchased one of the variety packs of blades. I am coming to the end of the pack now. I have to say out of what I purchased the worst blades from the pack were either Big Ben or Crown. It was basically a one and done with those. They just were not sharp enough.

In your opinion what are some of the worst blades to buy? Why did they not work for you?
Among the worst:
Dorco 300 and 301: they pulled and tugged, and failed to cleave stubble.
Derby: They pulled and tugged.
Bluebird: The shave stubble, and take a fair amount of epithelial tissue along the way. Harsh blades that caused a lot of irritation.
Merkur: They don't shave stubble for me.

Best blade for me:
My #1 blade for close, clean, and irritation-free daily shaves is Astra SP. I tried Astra SS blades, but I found the SP to be smoother on my skin.
The worst purchased blade i have used was a Merkur. The first one I used was so dull (to me anyway) I thought it was a bad blade. Tried the next one in the pack with the same results so that was the end. Luckily I traded the remaining blades away for something else. Later I somehow ended up with a vintage Gillette "Thin" blade (think this is the correct name); it was so dull I changed blades after the first pass. Never again! Like so much of DE Shaving I think blades are definitely a YMMV item, though.
As blades are very much a YMMV item, this should be an interesting thread.

For me, I had the poorest shave from the green Astra blades.

I stared with a sampler pack, and added a couple of more brands.

The ones I replenished were: Derby, Lord Platinum, and Feather.

super homex and topaz were pretty terrible for me. a blade i was expecting to perform but didnt for me were crystals. maybe ill try one again in the future. but the best blade hands down for me, is the Gillette Platinum.
Merkur, for me. It caused me to actually wonder if Solingen wasn't in the former "Democratic People's Republic of Germany" part of Germany. It isn't, oddly enough.

I used a Dorco in a Gillette Old this morning. Worked just fine.
Merkur is pretty much universally regarded as garbage. That being said...YMMV reigns supreme. A particular combination of face and razor may yield a good shave with a Merkur blade.
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