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What's the most you ever had.........

I've no recollection of the amount (nor of what must've been the interesting details of the remainder of the evening), but I do recall waking up in a bathtub about noon the next day. Took me about 5 years to be able to stand the smell of bourbon again.

Was this bathtub full of ice by any chance?
Probably when i was erm 16 at a martial arts christmas party. I started on vodka and red bull's and had i think 2 or 3. Then someone decided it would be a good idea to drink aftershocks, i of course decided i had to drink more than the others because i was 16 and stupid and had 10. I then washed them down with a pint of lager. I was hungover for 2 days.... :rolleyes:

Was this bathtub full of ice by any chance?

Nope -- so far as I know all of my organs remain with their original owner!

There is a certain disorientation involved in waking up surrounded by tub and tile with the curtain drawn. Took me a bit to figure all of that out. Of course, some friends were happy to fill me in on a few details the next day (and for a few years thereafter...).
hrmm, I can come up with a good story.
First time I went out, not date, with Chip we went to a house party then a collage party. I had never played a drinking game before and I learned why people play them. I had 5 beer in 10-15 mins. I had to stand up and I went back down right where I had come from. Chip was the only gentleman there. He helped me up and then off we went to the party.

At the party I decided it was time to stop drinking but it didn't happen. I remember there was snow and we went outside to play in the playground...my idea of course.

Back inside we were dancing and decided I was too warm and, thinking with an intoxicated mind, thought, I can jus unzip my sweater. I would have unzipped way to far but again, Chip was to my rescue. I don't know how much he drank but he was the perfect gentleman. He wanted to date me then but didn't take advantage of me.:001_smile

I guess this was more of a joint story but I am the one who drank too much.
I guess this was more of a joint story but I am the one who drank too much.

I think the drinking is enough...just leave the "other stuff" out of it...why do you think they call it Dope?

(Not sure I mean the Dope is the joint story, or Chip...but we all get the idea...):lol::lol::lol:
3 beers. :smile:
I went through the Navy and College without ever getting drunk. My parents were alcoholics, and I think I may have learned something from their mistakes. Of course, that leaves me with more brain cells to work on my other hang-ups. :redface:
Most likely about 6 pitchers of beer which may sound like a lot but for years I drank 4 pitchers daily after work then 6 on weekends at one sitting get a bite to eat take a nap and wake up and do it all over again on weekends, as long as I stuck to beer I definitely had a good buzz but was not too bad, I guess I built up a tolerance for it over the years and as long as I stick to beer I typically get full before I get too drunk.
i'm pretty sure this isn't the most i ever had in one night. it is the night that hit me the hardest. i had a fifth of soco, a fifth of jager, a 20 oz bottle of shine a friend from n.c. brought me and i topped it all off with 2 or 3 joints. never i repeat never mix shine and weed.
I have drank to excess twice. That is also the only 2 times I have ever drank.

I just dont like the taste of alcohol. The twice was at Christmas time and truly was fun to be drunk. I will drink the vodka and cranberry.
When I was 18 years old and enjoying my first weekend as a college student in Cleveland, I happened upon a drinking spot called Becky's on East 19th and Chester Avenue. From what my friends told me I had 15 frosty mugs of Killian's Irish Red and five shots of Goldschläger. The only thing I remember about the next day is I was so sore that my hair hurt and I kept apologizing to my friends for things that apparently only happened in my own mind.
Coming to handcuffed to a chair in a police station isn't recommended. I'm gonna bet I drank alot that night! Fortunately all charges were dropped and I was drunk only once in the next 15 years.

Now I'm much more responsible! :biggrin:

In a fraternity back in college every Friday was a 4pm to 4am party, man I could hold my booze back then.
Camp Hansen, Okinawa enlisted club. I was part of the Battalion Advanced Party, there to get the area ready for the rest of the Bn. to arrive about two weeks later. About twelve of us in the club, a few days before payday, and all of us darned near broke. So we went, ordered a couple or few beers apiece and sat down. A couple of the guys were taking the empties and pouring the backwash into a bottle to save for the last drink.
The corpsman and armorer ended up with a dollar between them. They went into the room with the slot machines where one dropped a quarter and won $87.50. The other dropped two quarters into two machines and won $87.50 twice. They came back into the bar just in time to see the two others kick back their bottle of backwash. They proceeded to the bar and bought cases of beer and set them in the middle of the tables.
Needless to say the rest of the night was.....hmmmm...can't remember the rest of the night. Going to work the next morning was a b***h, though!

In college, we had "Case Day". You had 24 hours to drink a case of beer all by yourself. Sounds easy, but let me tell you, it isn't. I was the only one to complete the task.

Edit: A case is 24, 12 ounce brews.
College during a long chess game- ended up finishing a liter of Jack- I didn't really realize that I finish the entire amount, but everyone else in the room did- they had started taking bets as to my demise before the night was over.... this was college and I exercised my liver on a daily basis, so I really didn't notice the effects... finished the game, which I won and remember saying that I was hungry...so... got up and walked to the McDonald's down the street, ate and then walked back to the dorms and promptly went to sleep. It was around 0100 so time for bed... woke up at 0530 and did my daily run, showered, and went to breakfast- and returned to the dorms to just about everyone else with wicked hangovers and looks of surprise... amateurs.... in the Army it was Tequila or Jack, but never in that amount... guess I had matured enough to realize too much was a bad thing.:rolleyes:
The one common denominator here seems to be college. I'm so glad college teaches everyone to drink like lushes. What a farce! The sad thing is, you can't really go anywhere in life wothout going to college, yet all you do when you get there is party.
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