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Guess that movie quote

with a connection...

"My ear canals are very sensitive. They're stainless steel. Took a bullet in Corregidor. Passed straight through."
I know you guys were all waiting for the Airplane follow-up, but I took the connection a different direction. One of my all-time favorite movies:

"You risk your skin catching killers and the juries turn them loose so they can come back and shoot at you again. If you're honest, you're poor your whole life and in the end you wind up dying all alone on some dirty street. For what? For nothing. For a tin star."
Nope, sorry. You're on the right track Ben - Lloyd Bridges is in this film, but this is not his line. The film is an all-time classic of its genre.
I doubt it will help if you didn't get it from that one, because it pretty much sums up the movie, but here's another quote. This is spoken to Bridges' character:

"I knew you had guts but I never figured you for brains. It takes a pretty smart man to know when to back away."
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