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Avoiding Becoming an old fogey...

Well, I turned 45 this last birthday. Now I am confronted with a difficulty. I need to change my wardrobe around and reinvent my style to fit this stage of my life. Some of the things that I wore even through my 30s don't seem all that appropriate anymore. There comes a point when those clever tshirts no longer look that clever on you, it just looks like you're an old guy trying to look younger. So I started going around the shops to get an idea of what is out there and was pretty disappointed. It seems like you have a choice of the young guy stuff, LL Bean, or Brooks Bros. to complication the situation even further, I recently moved from southern CA to the east coast. Now southern CA definitely has a relaxed vibe, whereas the east coast, not so much. And to figure this all out, how to dress on the eclectic hip side while still embracing the point that I am at in my life and to do it on a budget, is just a completely daunting task...
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do what makes you fell comfortable.style express' it's self and you should dress to suit your self.of course you dont want to look stupid,but look at what folks are wearing around you and go with it.doesnt hurt to ask"hey where did you get that shirt"ect ect.
I turned 45 this past year also. Saw no reason to change, other than changes that have occurred naturally. By that I mean, this past year, I noticed that I prefer wearing dark colors to work - dark work slacks, dark dress shirts - so that's something of which I buy more. It wasn't something that I consciously did, it just evolved. I still wear the t-shirts with clever sayings if it's something I like and believe.
Really a question of style and taste; also depends on what you do work wise and the corporate culture of your company. Go to a really high end men's clothing store in DC, Chevy Chase, Alexandria, etc. and see what they are selling. If the styles don't suit you, work downstream (price wise) until you get an idea of what you like, for both work and leisure. Years back I spent a fair amount of time on the West Coast (in the corporate environment) and was always amazed at what was worn out there; when three piece suits were stylish here, shiny avocado colored suits worked in LA. You are quite right in recognizing that mature men shouldn't dress like kids, but you can always have a sense of personal style.
dark jeans, black shoes, solid colored button down shirt, nice blazer.
it's a great look. Tom Ford, Daniel Craig (two of my 'mancrushes') wear that stuff pretty much exclusively.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Rule #1 ... don't give up. I mean, don't look like you have given up on looking good, well dressed and 'put together' just because you can't pull off an ironic t-shirt anymore. Aim for stylish, tailored (or at least well-fitting ... no sense getting a tailored t-shirt ... ) and classically simple ... and aim for quality.

Rule #2 ... a plain white 'casual dress' shirt is your best friend.

Rule #3 ... dress like you don't give a "darn" what the teenagers think ... dress like you are trying to impress yourself and either your wife or the stunning and sophisticated lady you are about to meet.
dark jeans, black shoes, solid colored button down shirt, nice blazer.
it's a great look. Tom Ford, Daniel Craig (two of my 'mancrushes') wear that stuff pretty much exclusively.

Agreed, I will be 45 in 13 days! And this is a stable look, maybe chinos sometimes instead of jeans, depends on your schedule that day. I have to be in a lot of meetings with suit and tie guys, but prefer to not go that far unless it is an all day deal or a more formal event, I am a construction guy afterall. I represent Building Tradesmen/women in Seattle and all of King County. Lots of political type dealings, just not all of them involve a tie type situation, but still must be presentable.
As a 47 year old that works with mostly younger people as well as with kids and teens in my time off, I embrace the ecletic style. I dress "up" more then down, pocket squres etc, it is my "thing". On the casual side, dark jeans, classic styles that never go out of style. I think that is different then trendy items. I don't think I would wear these: http://www.buckle.com/affliction-black-premium-cooper-military-jean/prd-1040010BC011B/sku-7276773334

But I found a dark pair of jeans with a interesting long sleeve shirt and a t shirt layered underneath, a good looks without looking like I was "trying" to be hip.

I agree with the comments above, black's a great way to go.. could always go a bit Steve Job-ish. No one has the time anymore to evaluate people's style. Stop worrying about that. And you're really only as old as your heart is. Feel young and you'll be perceived so.
Don't change your style, just upgrade it. More tailored shirts and fewer tshirts, a good couple pairs of casual wool pants - basically the same thing you're wearing now, but nicer.
Fit is everything, get things that fit right and it will look good. Solid or light patters always look good. A nice polo or button down shirt tucked over or tucked into a well fitted pair of black or gray slacks never looks bad, and many of the same shirts can be worn with jeans. As for Tshirts look for solids, striped tshirts look like dennis the minis. Good luck
My Dad a few years ago turned 65 and, to that point, had only looked at the pricetag to determine his wardrobe (i.e. if it was cheap, it was part of his wardrobe). Then he lost a little weight and realized that they have more disposable income (for going out to dinner, nice vacations, etc.) and wanted clothes to match. Now he practically sleeps in his indigo-wash Seven jeans that he got at Nordstrom's (which they tailored very nicely) and wears more fitted dress shirts and Polos. He's dressing age-appropriate but also in nicely fitting clothes, so he looks much better in his 60's than he did in his 40's and 50's.

In my mid-30's (37 now) I realized that a t-shirt with a Transformer on it and a hoodie sweatshirt do not constitute evening wear. As for places to look, I'm a big fan of Nordstroms, even if just to get a look around. Also, Banana Republic might be a place to check out, or J Crew. Its not all Hollister/A&F vs. Brooks Bros./JC Penneys/Sears.


I got moves like Jagger
My mother-in-law (a sweet lady, now deceased) used to say "Growing old ain't easy, but it sure beats the alternative."
I'm 66. Never cared much for T shirts. I like a shirt with a collar, so it's polo's or button down shirts for me. Chinos or cargo pants vs jeans because i find them more comfortable.

I used to wear a tie to work every day, but now I'm semi retired and hardley every wear one.

Find what's comfortable and appropriate for the situation for you.
I am slightly younger but not much 43 in April and I have embraced my inner fogey, I didn't feel comfortable with t-shirts with slogans past my early twenties and recently have become comfortable with my tweedier side. I am enjoying it, it is more the making the effort of how I look rather than anything else, I am down to my last pair of jeans and these will be retired when worn out. Personally I am finding it fun dressing up, the detailing and the research. It is about appearance and how one puts oneself over, self expression, thought and consideration, for me it works. Enjoy doing it, it will be fun.
im 32..mostly work from home..white t shirts n shorts or jeans n tennis shoes..then again...thats all I REALLY need anyways..kinda "fits the bill"
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