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Which one do you prefer Irisch Moos or Tabac?

Do you prefer Irisch Moos or Tabac?

  • Irisch Moos

  • Tabac

  • I like them both

  • I don't care for either one

Results are only viewable after voting.
Here's a tip about the poll listed above (if I understand correctly, which is always open to debate): It won't show you the results to date, unless you vote in the poll. If you vote, you get to see how all the rest of the guys have voted.

Here's my theory: 1. You (the manufacturer of Tabac, Maurer & Wirtz) already own and sell one of the arguably best shaving soaps in existence, and the fragrance of that excellent soap is well-loved by a large segment of the customers, but not loved by all target customers, in fact, the fragrance is an instant turn-off to many.

2. Your objective is to get the (arguably) best of the best performing soaps into the hands of that other half of the targeted customers who might use it over and over again if they would try it, but they can't get past the fragrance.

3. The solution is simple. Buy a product that is already on the market in a slightly different compound, reformulate it to duplicate the soap compound of your currrent product, keep the existing fragrance, maybe tweak the fragrance as needed, then utilize your existing manufacturing and marketing infrastructure to sell it to the remainder of your targeted customers, alongside your other product.

Bottom line, here's what this means, as we've all figured out already: The ones who love Tabac do not necessarily lose any love on Irisch Moos, and the feeling is mutual if you happen to be one who enjoys Moos but dislikes Tabac. This effectively doubles your sales. Thank you, M & W. Please don't change your basic soap formula now that you've got all your bases covered. We don't like reformulations.

PS: I just realized that I should have included a 5th option, for guys who haven't had a chance to use one or both of the products.
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Like them both but prefer the Irisch Moos. And so does my 7 year old son for what it's worth... In fact it is the only shaving related brand name he knows besides Lord.
Because I have used Tabac but never Irisch Moos there is no way for me to honestly answer the poll.

I suspect relatively few people have tried Irisch Moos compared to the many who have tried Tabac. Assuming this is the case I expect the "prefer Irisch Moos" votes will outnumber the "prefer Tabac" votes simply because so few Tabac users can honestly answer the poll.
I have both. In my opinion, there is not one single difference between the two save the scent. I give a slight edge to Tabac in the scent department. Moos still smells great, but it's more of a soapy, clean thing.
I voted dont care for either one only because I dont own either one and have no desire to buy either one. Like my collection just fine.
Also Art is King.
I have the Irisch Moos and don't really care for the scent and wouldn't reorder it. Tabac is something I always plan on having around.
I only have tabac, lathers great but i don't like the scent at all. Smells like a retirement home to me so its rarely used if ever. That said, I'd like get my hands on some Moos in the near future
Used em both, but don't find the Moos to be anything special. I may be pulling Tabac from the rotation anyway, good product but have found other soaps I like a bit more.
Participation results to date: On the first day of the poll, 214 guys viewed the topic, but only 24 participated in the poll. (11%)
Not very many people have Irisch Moos. It's hard to vote in favor of one or the other if most of the voters don't have both.

And it's easy to get. As the old rock and roller Jerry Lee Lewis said: "If you ain't got somethin', get somethin'". Irisch Moos is readily available stateside from Mark at Superlather.com. Overseas, it's available from The Dutch Shaving Shop, from Paul. You can have your very own 100 mg stick in about 3 or 4 days.
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