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which moisturiser do you use?


I smell like a Christmas pudding
Normally I just use aftershave, edt, or cologne but occasionally I use a vintage balm from Brut or Avon. Generally though, when I use a moisturiser, I just use a cheap general purpose supermarket moisturiser, body lotion, or even hand cream. My wife has some nice face creams, some cost more than a Simpson Manchurian, but if I touched them I would find myself living in the garage.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
CeraVe moisturizer lotion(Balm) + scentless. I have used other balms like Nivea sensitive skin balm for years but it should have Hyaluronic Acid mixed in it.( I use to put a few drops of HA in my Nivea dollop and it just made my skin feel better and that is why I know it works.) CeraVe has Hyaluronic Acid already in their moisturizer and is cost effective also & works well IMO.
SOTD, Nov 6, 2021.jpg

Have some great shaves!
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Gold Bond Extra Strength during spring thru fall, Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion in winter. The menthol in Gold Bond is a bit too cold in the winter.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
A&E Skin Food with hyaluronic acid. Completely neutral shine, absorbs well. I have Mysterium Syrum, but the face feel isn't as good. It doesn't absorb as well and leaves me shiny, which isn't good for me. I use it when I am home only.
wheres the cheapest place in the uk to get cerave from anyone know?

i looked in store in boots and was way over a tenner
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